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This event is fired before policy creation for products that require payment.

When and what fires this event?

If this event is defined on a product, and it has actions that are enabled:

  • Storefront: Fires this event before policy creation when payment is required;
  • Fired externally via API on-demand.

Request payload

POST: https://api.{ENV}

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.{ENV}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <yourAuthHere>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "payload": {
        "paymentTriggerRequestId": "<triggerRequestId>"
    "payload": {
        "paymentTriggerRequestId": "fb2f42eb-a4b6-44de-8595-cb6440d3f1fb"

Event fields:

typetrueMust be set to PAYMENT_VERIFICATION
payloadtrueExplained below

Payload fields

paymentTriggerRequestIdtrueUUID for the payment you wish to verify

Response payload

    "triggerRequestId": "d18b115d-dbb3-4383-b874-bb1d48fb415d",
    "executedActionCount": 0,
    "expectedResponseCount": 0,
    "metadata": {
            "paymentTriggerRequestId": "fb2f42eb-a4b6-44de-8595-cb6440d3f1fb",
            "paymentVerified": false,
            "paymentProcessor": "STRIPE",
            "paymentIdentifier": "pi_3KX0lCCbDuWSbVzI1uzgGaCF",
            "amount": 1560000