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Searching Policies

To search policies, use this endpoint:

POST: https://api.{ENV}

Request JSON:

  "page": 0,
  "size": 20,
  "effectiveDateFrom": "2024-05-01",
  "effectiveDateTo": "2024-05-01",
  "expirationDateFrom": "2024-05-01",
  "expirationDateTo": "2024-06-01",
  "policyNumber": "4542",
  "insuredName": "Insured Business",
  "insuredDbaName": "Business Name",
  "insuredContactFirstName": "Insured",
  "insuredContactLastName": "Name",
  "insuredContactEmail": "",
  "insuredContactPhone": "1234567890",
  "agencyId": "UUID",
  "agencyName": "Agency A",
  "producerId": "UUID",
  "producerFirstName": "John",
  "producerLastName": "Doe",
  "producerEmail": "",
  "producerPhone": "123-456-7890",
  "carrierName": "Insurance Carrier",
  "anyMatch": "true"

Example response JSON:

  //... policy results
  "number": 0,
  "size": 20,
  "totalElements": 50, //how many policies total
  "last": false,
  "totalPages": 3,     //how many pages (ex, 50/20results per page = 3 pages )
  "sort": {
    "unsorted": true,
    "sorted": false,
    "empty": true
  "first": true,
  "numberOfElements": 20, //how many elements on the page
  "empty": false

Request fields:

pagetrueThe page to return
sizetrueThe number of results to return per page
effectiveDateFromfalseThe earliest effective date of the policy
effectiveDateTofalseThe latest effective date of the policy
expirationDateFromfalseThe earliest expiration date of the policy
expirationDateTofalseThe latest expiration date of the policy
policyNumberfalseThe policy number to search for
insuredNamefalseThe name of the insured to search for
insuredDbaNamefalseThe DBA name of the insured to search for
insuredContactFirstNamefalseThe first name of the insured contact to search for
insuredContactLastNamefalseThe last name of the insured contact to search for
insuredContactEmailfalseThe email of the insured contact to search for
insuredContactPhonefalseThe phone number of the insured contact to search for
agencyIdfalseThe ID of the agency to search for
agencyNamefalseThe name of the agency to search for
producerIdfalseThe ID of the producer to search for
producerFirstNamefalseThe first name of the producer to search for
producerLastNamefalseThe last name of the producer to search for
producerEmailfalseThe email of the producer to search for
producerPhonefalseThe phone number of the producer to search for
carrierNamefalseThe name of the carrier to search for
anyMatchfalseChecks every field in the policyMeta field and the policynumber.

Note: each of the parameters supports wildcard search. For example, this request:

    "page": 0,
    "size": 20,
    "policyNumber": "4542"

Will return policies where the policy number is 'DAIS-00004542'

Getting Policy Detail

To retrieve a complete policy, use this endpoint:

GET: https://api.{ENV}{policyId}

Where {policyId} is the UUID of the policy to retrieve.

curl --location --request GET '{policyId}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <yourAuthHere>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Request fields:

policyIdtrueUUID of the policy to retrieve