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This event is fired when a customer's identity is being checked for compliance issues.

When and what fires this event?

If this event is defined on a product, and it has actions that are enabled:

  • CoPilot: fires this event before requesting quotes in the Account Builder;
  • Storefront: fires this event before requesting quotes;
  • Fired externally via API on-demand.

Request payload

POST: https://api.{ENV}

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.{ENV}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <yourAuthHere>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "lineId": "<UUID of the product>",
    "type": "CLIENT_VALIDATION",
    "payload": {
        "referrer": "<referrer>",
        "intake": {
            "<qid>": {
                "type": "ANSWER",
                "answer": "<answer>",
                "qid": "<qid>"
        "clientId": "<clientId>"
    "lineId": "262e67be-c08c-43c0-bb51-06fe4408b4e9",
    "type": "CLIENT_VALIDATION",
    "payload": {
        "referrer": "referrer",
        "intake": {
          "numEmployees": {
            "type": "ANSWER",
            "answer": "55",
            "qid": "numEmployees"
          "claimsLast2Yrs": {
            "type": "ANSWER",
            "answer": "2",
            "qid": "claimsLast2Yrs"
        "clientId": "3107a2fc-9a63-4e14-9a83-e4c325f4242b"

Event fields:

lineIdtrueUUID for the product to validate this client against
typetrueMust be set to CLIENT_VALIDATION
payloadtrueExplained below

Payload fields

referrerfalseOptional String value to track a referral
intaketrueMap of QID to answer
clientIdtrueUUID for the client you wish to validate

Response payload

    "triggerRequestId": "3282bbc7-8113-419c-b53d-9c84c150f3c4",
    "executedActionCount": 3,
    "expectedResponseCount": 0,
    "metadata": {
        "OFAC": {
            "OFACCheckPassed": true
        "OFAC_BRIDGER": {
            "OFACCheckPassed": true
        "MVR": {
            "MVRCheckPassed": true,
            "totalViolationCount": 0