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This event is fired when an externally-processed payment is received.

When and what fires this event?

If this event is defined on a product, and it has actions that are enabled:

  • Fired externally via API on-demand.

Request payload

POST: https://api.{ENV}

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.{ENV}' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <yourAuthHere>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "payload": {
      "policyId": "8e05b460-f692-4919-924b-0e71468910bb",
      "amount": "5.00",
      "receivedDate": "2023-07-21T14:25:29-05:00",
      "paymentType": "MANUAL_RECORD",
      "paymentSpec": {
          "label": "Payment Label",
          "description": "Payment Description"
  "payload": {
    "policyId": "8e05b460-f692-4919-924b-0e71468910bb",
    "amount": "5.00",
    "receivedDate": "2023-07-21T14:25:29-05:00",
    "paymentType": "MANUAL_RECORD",
    "paymentSpec": {
      "label": "Payment Label",
      "description": "Payment Description"

Event fields:

payloadtrueExplained below

Payload fields

policyIdtrueUUID of the policy
amounttrueDollar amount of payment
receivedDatetrueISO timestamp with timezone offset representing when the payment was received
paymentTypetrueMust be MANUAL_RECORD or CREDIT_CARD, see below for details
paymentSpecfalseExplained below

The DAIS platform supports two forms of external payment: credit card and manual record (for all other payments).

In the event of a credit card payment, paymentType must be set to CREDIT_CARD and paymentSpec may optionally contain the last four digits of the credit card and the provider.

  "paymentSpec": {
    "cardType": "VISA",
    "lastFourDigit": 1234

For all other payments, paymentType must be set to MANUAL_RECORD and paymentSpec may optionally contain a label and description for the payment.

  "paymentSpec": {
    "label": "Manual Payment",
    "description": "Additional Details"

Response payload

  "triggerRequestId": "fc55a520-5194-4b6f-b84d-3457f189c5cf",
  "executedActionCount": 0,
  "expectedResponseCount": 0,
  "metadata": {}